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The Happy Family Challenge

I've got some BIG NEWS and some EXCITING NEWS to share!!!

Okaaayyyy... Skip the drumroll, here goes:

The BIG NEWS is ...I have an amazing new challenge just for you and it's right in time for Chodesh Adar. It's that time of year when we are supposed to be happy. We are supposed to smile more, laugh more, find the joy.

And, just because it's "that time" of year doesn't mean the happiness flows naturally.

If you've been around here for a bit, you know, I believe happiness is a CHOICE! And, it's not a one time choice, it's something we choose day after day, moment by moment.

So, I've created some happiness reminders in the form of a CHALLENGE. It's good stuff!

This is a FAMILY CHALLENGE my friends! It's got a super cute chart with pictures to fill in, a colorful look that oozes joy and the "to dos" are perfect for the entire family. (I know, I know, I've thought of EVERYTHING!)

I hope you'll print it and DO IT!

And now.... for the EXCITING NEWS....

This week I had a personal simcha. I am Baruch Hashem engaged!! It's an exciting, busy, simcha filled time in my life and I want to share that with you! Aside from loads of excitement, the number one feeling I have is overwhelming gratitude to Hashem. It's been quite a journey! So here's the lesson I learned along the way that I want to share with you: Often we turn to Hashem in times of trouble, crying, asking for what we need. And then, we receive. Hashem gifts us something. And... we move on. We get busy. We forget our old pain and embrace the happier, new reality. On my journey I've learned to: Stop! To not let go! Don't lose the connection.

My friends, take this piece of (completely unsolicited) advice. We can do better. In times of joy or through regular life days, we need to remember to talk to Hashem and thank Hashem for EVERY gift. Breathing, seeing, family, food, a job, friends... These are all HUGE gifts that we must remember to give thanks for. And some days, when we just feel down, we simply need to hold the siddur a bit longer and ask Hashem for the strength to smile. It's all about connecting to Hashem in every single stage. So as I celebrate, I am working to remain focused on the true cause of all Simcha.

I'm sharing with you a 30 DAY HAPPINESS CHALLENGE. It's beautiful, it's bright, it's Oh! so totally fridge hang-able and it is EASY (you all know my key word by now!)

Remember-Small steps takes us to the greatest places!

So here it is:

1-2-3 Go! Print it out. Start TODAY!

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Kid Sisters!
Kid Sisters!
11 jun 2020

SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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20 may 2020

so fun

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