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Writer's pictureSara Younger

Gearing up for 2023 parties!

It was a cloudy fall day over 9 years ago, when I made the bold decision to add party entertainer to my list of jobs.

Bold, since I'd never done a party in my life. Bold 'cuz I was 7 months pregnant. Bold 'cuz my personal life was a mess and I was struggling to figure out how to support my children.

But, having been a successful camp director, knowing how much I loved people & believing I could make every party feel amazingly special, I clicked on the little Microsoft Word icon on my computer and created a list of party packages. I was in business!

My first party was a 6 year old's birthday, then I was hired for 2 Bat Mitzvahs. I did a friend's party free of charge for practice. I put packages on Groupon and earned some practice (Groupon took the $$. I think I got a check for $37.50 for my hour!)

It was a start. It felt slow at times. I often thought about giving it up. But I kept at it since I'd publicly declared I was in business!

I learned a lot as I went.

For every party I did, I'd find out about the child. I'd create a custom plan. I'd get props to match their personality or theme. It was time consuming. It was also a labor of love. I truly treasured the gift of celebrating each girl.

Nine years feels like forever & yet flies by in a minute. I went from single mother to remarried. My family has grown. I've danced my way through another pregnancy. Cried & regrouped through Covid. Turned Playland Parties into #Sarasquad. Hired an assistant to run the office end. Went from a $100 Target speaker to working with an amazing DJ and a "real" sound set up. Booked repeat clients. Got flown to do parties. Branded, rebranded & rebranded again.

I've learned some amazing new skills. Met incredible people. Watched my Bat Mitzvah girls get married!!! (CRAZYYYY!) And, spent hours thanking Hashem for this gift.

So, it's a cloudy winter day now 9 years later. My menorah has to be put away & I have a looooong to do list.

But, I'm sitting here with my calendar planning 2023 and I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Gratitude to my old self who had the daring to believe she could.

Gratitude to YOU- my clients, friends & readers for being part of this journey.

But, most of all gratitude to Hashem for making this dream come true.

Stay tuned! 2023 is going to be the biggest year yet for #Sarasquad.

Here's what's coming:

1- New event destinations! I've put off travel events this past year as my calendar filled & I wanted to have all those 2 party Sundays. And, it was amazing. Now, in 2023 I'm going to be offering more packages for those beyond the tristate area so you can experience the #Sarasquad amazingness live.

2- I've added a BRAND NEW Silent DJ party package which takes all the amazing dance programming, plus super cool games & brings it straight to each participant's headphones with full volume control:)

The program is all #Sarasquad style- full of energy, creativity & FUN!

3- Those VIP classes that I teachevery year gifting girls amazing skills are getting an overhaul! Stay tuned for the new series that are now grouped by subtopics and geared to address very specific areas of growth.

There's more... but this post is already long so I'm going to save it!

Thanks for being a part of this amazing journey. I can't wait to celebrate together!!!

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