The #Sarasquad Planner is everything a girl needs to reach #Sarasquad Superstar status.
At #Sarasquad we know that planning for success is everything & this planner was created to get girls started on a lifetime of planning.
The colors are stunning and the graphics will make girls smile, but the real super power of the planner is the text.
Monthly skills are taught in a way that girls can read, practice & own the skills.
Days are laid out to teach how to plan and manage time.
Invaluable life skills jump out of every page!
If you are new to the #Sarasquad family, this planner will feel like a giant welcome party & if you've been around for a bit, you'll feel like it's a welcome home celebration!
Here's the thing... We only printed a very limited amount on this first run, so DO NOT WAIT!
Order your #Sarasquad Planner today!

#Sarasquad Planner Video Channel
#Sarasquad Planner Video Channel

Flying High- September Video

How to Use Your #Sarasquad Planner